Understanding What's Actually Going on, and Fighting for a Different Future. Andy Zee, Fascism in America; Bruce Cumings, North Korea and US Aggression

Fascism in America, Could It Happen Here? Is It Happening Here? What Is the Danger that the Trump/Pence Government Poses?

The show opens with a talk by Andy Zee, spokesperson for Revolution Books, New York, and one of the co-initiators of Refuse Fascism. This was a talk given on April 27, during a nationally live-streamed Teach-In, Fascism in America, Could It Happen Here? Is It Happening Here? What Is the Danger that the Trump/Pence Government Poses? This event deeply explored, from different perspectives, the essential nature of the Trump/Pence Government, the relevance of the history of fascism, the threat it poses to humanity and the planet itself, and the dangers of normalization. 

For more about the teach-in, including videos, go to RefuseFascism.org.

What "Everybody Knows" about North Korea -- and the Real History of US Aggression

Bruce Cumings

Bruce Cumings

Dr. Bruce Cumings, the Gustavus F. and Ann M. Swift Distinguished Service Professor in History, at the University of Chicago, and author of many books, including The Korean War, and Inventing the Axis of Evil, the Truth about North Korea, Iran and Syria (contributor). He'll talk about the real history of US relations with North Korea, which has been a history of non-stop US aggression.