Carl Dix, Charlottesville! Trump/Pence Must Go; Eulogy for Heather Heyer; National Climate Assessment and Trump; Unconstitutional Moves Against #J20 Protesters

Charlottesville, Virginia and the Aftermath: Confronting Racist, Murdering Nazi Thugs

Confronting the Nazis in Charlottesville, August 12

Confronting the Nazis in Charlottesville, August 12

Carl Dix, Representative of the Revolutionary Communist Party, and co-initiator of Refuse Fascism, joins us to talk about the Clash in Charlottesville and the aftermath. For a night and a day, Nazis, KKK and other White Supremacist and Fascist scum were in the streets in Charlottesville, Virginia, chanting Nazi slogans as well as racist and anti-LGBTQ chants, and attacking courageous anti-fascist protesters. One of them rammed his car into a crowd, murdering Heather Heyer, a life-long fighter for justice. These extreme reactionary forces have been encouraged and emboldened by the Trump/Pence Regime, and they've been increasingly active across the country. But what we saw in Charlottesville was a major leap. And it was welcomed, supported and encouraged by Trump himself.

This demanded a response, and thousands have taken to the streets in city after city, condemning the White Supremacists and remembering the example of Heather Heyer. We'll talk about all this and where to now, with Carl Dix. 

We'll also listen to the eulogy from Susan Bro, mother of Heather Heyer.

National Climate Assessment, a Conversation with One of the Authors, Katharine Hayhoe

Katharine Hayhoe

Katharine Hayhoe

Katharine Hayhoe, one of the lead authors of the National Climate Assessment, has summed up its 600 pages in one sentence: It's real . . .It's us . . . It's serious . . . And the window of time to prevent dangerous impacts is closing fast. Some scientists have worried that the Trump regime might try to suppress or force changes in the report. Indeed, Scott Pruitt, a science denier who is the head of the EPA, has already attacked its conclusions. Katharine Hayhoe will talk about what the report says, what's happening with the planet, and why it's so important. 

You can check out Katharine Hayhoe's work to educate people on the climate crisis on her website, YouTube Channel and Twitter

The Continuing Persecution of the Inauguration Day (J20) Protesters

January 20 Protests

January 20 Protests

We'll hear from Stephanie Lacambra, Criminal Defense Staff Attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, joins us to talk about what they have called the unconstitutional methods being used by the prosecution against those who protested on January 20, Inauguration Day, and are facing long years in prison. The latest government move is a search warrant demanding detailed information on everyone who visited a protest website. 

Read more about this at the Electronic Frontier Foundation website