Dahr Jamail on the Melting of Antarctica and Other Catastrophic Impacts of Climate Disruption

Melting Iceberg at Antarctica

Melting Iceberg at Antarctica

Journalist and author Dahr Jamail began a recent article in his Climate Disruption series by observing, "The signs of runaway anthropogenic climate disruption (ACD) continue to mount with each passing month." We'll talk about the impacts on hundreds of species and millions of humans, the accelerating causes, and the dire threat to the future of the planet of the Trump/Pence regime, if you only consider its impact on the planet. 

Dahr Jamail, is a Truthout staff reporter, the author of The Will to Resist: Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan and Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches From an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq. 

You can find his whole series of Climate Disruption Dispatches here.