A Crucial Moment for Stopping Fascism. Sunsara Taylor, 10 Days of Resistance; Michael Mann, Climate Change and Trump; Rules of Seconds

Basta Ya!/Enough! 10 Days of Resistance

Sunsara Taylor will talk about the emergency situation today and the call for Basta Ya!/Enough! 10 Days of Resistance. Sunsara Taylor is a writer for revcom.us/Revolution and an initiator of Refuse Fascism

The end of the first 100 days for the Trump/Pence regime is nearing, and the regime has been rolling ahead with its horrific fascist program. Millions of people abhor this, and there is righteous resistance. But, whether or not we can stop the dire threat that the Trump/Pence Regime poses to humanity means recognizing and acting on the understanding that history has shown that fascism must be stopped before it becomes too late.

Beginning with the March for Science April 22, over the course of 10 DAYS, hundreds of thousands of people will pour into the streets in important and righteous protests in Washington DC and cities across the country. This is a crucial moment to organize many thousands of people under the banner of “NO! In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE To Accept a Fascist America! Drive Out the Trump/Pence Regime!” 

Climate Scientist Michael Mann on the Reality of Climate Change, Trump, and Why He Will March For Science

On March 29, Michael Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University, author of many books and dozens of articles, and lead author of the article that introduced the iconic "hockey stick" graph showing a dramatic increase in global temperatures, was a witness in Congress. He shared the witness table with three climate science deniers peddling alternative facts. 

We'll speak with Dr. Mann about this, about the extreme weather events already caused by climate change, the threat of Trump, and the importance of the March for Science. 

Rules of Seconds, Interview with Playwright John Pollono

We'll talk with John Pollono, author of the play, Rules of Seconds. The play is set in 1855 Boston, where the slightest infraction between gentlemen is grounds for a challenge to be resolved with pistols. As a reviewer wrote, "Rules of Seconds revolves around the arbitrary and fatal constrictions we accept in order to align ourselves with value systems that enforce our misery."