Dahr Jamail, Global Temperatures Increases Could Double as the World Burns; Kathryn Joyce Christian Fascists and the Real Life Handmaid's Tale

Dahr Jamail, Global Temperatures Increases Could Double as the World Burns

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We'll speak with Dahr Jamail on his latest writings on climate change, or anthropogenic climate disruption (ACD). He's written about the out of control rise in temperatures, and the many impacts, from super storms to failing crops to the threatened extinctions of key species. Dahr Jamail is a long-time investigative reporter, known for years of unembedded reporting from Iraq and the Middle East. He is a Truthout staff reporter, and writes the Climate Disruption Dispatches series. 

Kathryn Joyce, Christian Fascists and the Real Life Handmaid's Tale

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We'll hear an interview I did with Kathryn Joyce, author of Quiverfull: Inside theChristian Patriarchy Movement, a book which is being reprinted because its message has become even more urgent. This is the Christian fundamentalist movement at its most extreme end, with a war against feminism as a key part of maintaining the fabric of the theocratic society they want to bring into being in the US -- and actually are now putting into place. It is a movement built on the absolute, total submission of women to domination by men and their god.